
I normally wouldn’t stoop down to pick up anything less than a dollar bill if it were in the gutter.  If it were wet, I would pass it up. My days of picking up pennies for good luck were over. I had luck and I had pennies, dollars also.

This was just a nickel. I can’t tell you why it stopped me dead in my tracks when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Perhaps I thought it was jewelry. I think it says what a very
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Mexican Jumping Beans

I was recently given five real Mexican Jumping Beans straight from the Mexican Jumping Bean fields in Texas.  They came with a sheet detailing their history, their care and handling, and a game board, should I want to encourage their competitive side.

I haven’t had Mexican Jumping Beans as pets since my childhood, and I was newly enchanted by their indomitable spirit, despite the fact that they are held captive in a one- Continue reading